Protection News, Supplements
Founded in 2004
Founder - All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection (VIZR)
Information for Authors
The "Plant Protection News Supplement" publishes results of original researches, theoretical reviews, applied works in the form of thematic collections of papers or monographs in Russian and English on the biological problems concerning plant protection: modern methods of plant protection, including methods of creation of resistant varieties and pathogenic forms of biological control; diagnostics of harmful and useful organisms, phytosanitary monitoring and forecast, agrobiocenological diagnostics of agroecosystems and modeling of processes going tthere; technology, economy and ecological safety of application of plant protection means.
Manuscript Requirements
The manuscript of A4 format is presented in the form of the document
Microsoft Word as the enclosure to the address, or on
computer carriers (diskettes, CD, flash memory). At the same time,
one copy of paper manuscript signed by all its authors has to be sent to
editors. Further correspondence (messages about solutions of editorial
board, transfer of copyright, mailing of updates, etc.) is conducted by
e-mail with the specified author. In case of adoption of the manuscript
for printing, its author(s) transfer the rights for reproductiont o the
publisher, distribution and informing everyone by signing the contract
on transfer of copyright.
Only Usual style is used. Font size of the manuscript is 12 points;
in tables, legend to drawings and list of references - 9 points.
The line spacing is single. Orientation of the page is "book".
At the end of the manuscript, the English summary is given, including
the name of article (monograph), a surname of authors, a work address,
the text, keywords.
Drawings, photos, legends, tables are included in the text.
Formulas are under construction in the standard editor of formulas
Microsoft Word, or are provided in the form of black-and-white raster images
with the resolution not less than 600 dpi.
Latin names of taxons are given according to the modern nomenclature
and italicized; names of species are provided completely at the first mention
in the main text with the author name; at a repeated mention, the generic
name is reduced.
At references to literature in the text, specify a surname of the author
of article and year of the edition, for example, I.I. Ivanov (1995), (Ivanov,
Petrov, 1995) or in case of more than two authors - (Ivanov et al., 1995,
The list of references contains only the works cited in article in
alphabetical order with the indication of a surname of the author, his
initials, the titles of the book or article, the name of the magazine,
year, volume (the Arab figures), issue, pages (separated by commas). For
books and collections of papers, the editor(s), the place of the edition,
publishing house are specified. For example: Ivanov I.I. Name of article.
Name of the magazine, 1995, 47, 5, p. 20-32; Ivanov I.I. Title of the book.
Moscow, Nauka, 1995, 50 p. The digital identifier of an object (DOI) needs
to be specified if present at the end of bibliographic record (doi: 10.31993/2308-6459-2018-4
(98)-5-12). After summary, provide scientific degree and honorary degree
of authors, their positions, the postal address, personal e-mail.
Mark the author responsible for correspondence with the sign "*". If necessary,
allowing documents of host organization are attached. Authors guarantee
that the manuscript was not published earlier. Manuscripts are not returned.
On all arising questions contact via e-mail address